Wednesday, January 30, 2013


Not much happened in January. My mailbox is empty and sad. But I got new stamps:)

Now I just need letters to have where to stick them!
It was my Birthday in January. From my dad I got a scanner+printer+xero. I will be able to scan my letters before sending them now. I'm so glad because so many of my letters got lost last year. I had to write them all from beginning. Which is fine for me but not if it happens again and again. I started to get frustrated and wished for scanner so I would just re-send same letter. What do you do when your letters get lost? Do you have copies of them somewhere or you write totally new one?

My friends brought me these envelopes from their trip to Berlin. Nice, huh?:)

I started this project from new year. I saw it in Bubbles blog (who saw it in someone else's blog I think:P). Anyway, I thought it would be perfect thing to do for me. Last year wasn't very good to me and January seemed no better. I write down all good things that happen to me and put them in this jar. It turns out it's getting filled so maybe January wasn't really that bad:) In the end of the year I will open it and read all the happy sheets of paper from the inside and even if (though I hope otherwise:)) I will think my year was bad, I will know there was some happiness in it too:)


  1. I only scan those letters that are really long or that go to countries where the postal service is not so reliable like Russia or South American countries. I hate re-writing letters as I believe the magic is gone when I have to write everything down the same way again, or you leave out things which is not nice either. Thanks goodness, I haven't had it often lately. *knock on wood*

    1. I start to think my country is one with not reliable post office... So scanner will be useful for me:)

  2. I never scan my letters or keep them. I would hate rewrite the letter! Well, sometimes I write first in my computer, but only when it's written in Arabic language (which is still difficult for me), or when it's the very first letter to a penpal.

    I think I'm lucky, because I've been penpalling since... mmm... 1986, and few letters got lost. Maybe five, six... Not to much. Now I live in a country with a non-reliable postal service, they say (Morocco). But, in fact, it worked really well so far.

    By the way, the idea of happy things in a jar seems cool :D

    1. You are lucky then:) I think they lost this many my letters just last year, although before there were really no problems... Oh well.

  3. I don't scan my letters but do keep a few notes of topics I've covered in a letter.

    I would love to send you mail but can't find your address, can you send it to me at

    Love the idea of the jar, going to make one for myself today!


    1. I rather remember what I wrote about, especially when I re-read my penpal's letter, so the list of topics is in my head:) But to re-write everything is still lots of work and not such fun as the first time.
      I'll send you an email later:)

  4. I don't scan my letters. But I'm thinking to do so with letters to my penpal in Macedonia because there often have problems with letters to/from her. Luckily so far all my letters to her have arrived, but I'm always afraid one might get lost one day since they take soooo very long to travel :(

    1. Macedoonia, interesting:) Too bad there are problems with mail:( Scanning is a good idea I think.

  5. Its great that you have a scanner now as you can do so much more with it :). I don't scan my letters as until last year I hardly had mail go missing but I just re-write it which is no fun but something that needs to be done.

    My mail box has been quiet too but hopefully yours will be filled with mine soon as I posted something yesterday.

    I hope you keep the happy project up. I'm hardly spending time at my desk so struggling to write things down. I'm wondering now if maybe a diary would have been better as I'd carry it in my bag.

    1. Yeah, I have the same feeling about re-writing. I never had problems with mail before last year:/ So I didn't need to scan them before either.

      :D That's good news. I'm looking forward to it. My mail within Europe doesn't get lost (and hopefully it will stay that way:))

      Diary or jar, I hope you'll have much things to write:)

  6. Love the stamps! :)
    I have one country I send letters to that don't get delivered that often, so I make photo's of it before I send it out and if it's not delivered I get those photo's and re-write the letter. So I never print them out actually.
    I love the "jar of happiness" idea! Hope it will work for you. Maybe one day I will do this too. :)

    1. Hmm, how silly I am that I never thought about taking photos of letters:P

    2. Well, you're not silly at all! I never thought about that either, but one of my penpals told me about it. :-) Hope 2013 will bring you many more mail and no more letters that get lost... That's one of the most annoying things with the mail!!

  7. I've never thought of taking copies of my letters before sending them! Wish I had a scanner too, so I could keep a copy. I have enough trouble storing my letters that I recieve as it many!

    Like your jar of happiness idea :)

  8. Very nice stamps AND envelopes. Such inspiration, yes?

    Taking photos of letters is easier than trying to scan so many pages! It saves my arm and is less work. I don't have to scan and resize. I point, adjust, shoot and download to my Mac. From there all goes to a Mail folder. That's only when I'm feeling good. :)

    I like the idea of your jar.

  9. That's a great idea the happiness jar. :)

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