Sunday, April 24, 2011

100 reasons to snail mail #3


Penpalling is still popular (although not so widely as it used to be before the era of Internet) among people all around the world. Therefore you can have penpals from different countries in different corners of the world and learn about their culture and traditions. Of course you can read about these topics in National Geographic or travel guides or watch a travel program in TV. But through letters you can hear everything from a ‘native’ perspective, much more you could learn from TV or an article because they’re too short to include everything and they concentrate on the most important things only. From your penpal you can hear not only about the holidays, weddings, birthdays, habits, superstitions but also about things concerning daily life. You can not only observe the chosen aspects of the culture but feel it. See the big and catch the little differences. You can ask about something you heard about your friend’s country and confront it with reality.

Maybe you can get some cultural/ traditional items from your penpal and see and touch them personally. Maybe your penpal will send you some photos showing some interesting tradition or holiday. World is such an interesting place – why not have one more opportunity to get to know it? :)

If you're into penpalling and want to share your experiences in your blog according today's reason, please link back here and make a comment that you made an entry :)


  1. This one has really got me thinking so I'll have to see what I can come up with for my blog :). I love your view on it.

  2. Yay, finally I have some minutes to take part in that ^0^ Keep it up <3
